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35个CGTN 视频

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  31. 刘欣怒怼FOX主播,欣然约辩

  32. 刘欣“怒怼”外国记者


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  3. 敢于否定,拥有怀疑勇气
  4. 世界为什么需要维基解密?
  5. 你的最大动力 Physcology of Self-motivation
  6. 现实生活总是这么苦吗?
  7. 1918年大流感多么害怕
  8. 站在救灾前沿
  9. 求善始,求善终!
  10. 疫情爆发能否像地震一样被预测?
  11. 别人那么优秀都是有原因的!
  12. 比尔·盖茨:下次疫情爆发,我们还未准备好
  13. 球衣退役演讲
  14. 我们如何对抗下一种致命病毒?
  15. 曾致死4000万人的1918年大流感有多可怕
  16. 为啥炫富的人那么高调?
  17. 如何识别文化中的谎言获得更好生活方式
  18. 遭遇抑郁症,我们应该怎么做?
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  22. 一个伊朗裔美国人的幽默演讲!
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  36. 为什么我们会做出后悔的决定?
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  38. 如何走好生命中的每一步?
  39. 寻找真实的自己
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  41. 你重视的事情做好了吗
  42. 真实的自己存在吗?
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  46. 为何我们需要情绪急救
  47. 学会拥抱别人,就是给自己温暖
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  49. 我们真的可以预测爱情吗?
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  51. 你该如何面对艰难选择
  52. 谁才是你最应该嫁的人?
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  54. 为什么20岁之后的十年至关重要?
  55. 深度拖延症患者的自白
  56. 及时行乐 VS 推迟享受,哪是正确选择?
  57. 如何在六个月学好一门外语
  58. 中国的属相
  59.  别认为自己长得丑,这对你不好!
  60. 对儿童的正确教育方式是什么?
  61. 怎样说话才让人听进去?要克服语言七宗罪
  62. 手机和网络从来不是最好的交流工具
  63. 医生可以犯错吗?
  64. 不读书的人到底输在哪里
  65. 节省时间的十条黄金法则
  66. 如何用非暴力方式抵制ISIS恐怖组织?
  67. 安吉拉·巴顿:父女之舞…在狱中
  68. 为什么爱情是世界上最让人成瘾的东西?
  69. 足不出户就能量身定制自己的衣服
  70. 学校扼杀创造力
  71. 为什么我们会做出后悔的决定?
  72. 我胖,我骄傲!
  73. 整理艺术
  74. 尽力了还是做不好 为什么?
  75. 美女口吃歌手演讲
  76. 传递希望与和平的街头艺术
  77. 成功人士的八个特点
  78. 在这个社会中,该把自己放在什么位置
  79. 做勇敢的女孩 不做完美的女孩
  80. 为什么会痒?
  81. 走进拖延症的心理世界
  82. 内向的力量
  83. 全神贯注时才是最幸福的时刻,你感受过吗?
  84. 读书能打开心灵之窗
  85. 重新认识出轨行为
  86. 给自己每天10分钟
  87. Why do airlines sell too many tickets?
  88. 知名作家刘轩台北演讲:跨越与自己的旅行
  89. 5个毁灭梦想的办法
  90. 睡眠不足会发生什么
  91. 我们为什么相爱?
  92. 学会四个练习方法,让学习质量一日千里!
  93. 人不喝水会怎样?
  94. 一定要睡个好觉
  95. 一个简单的方式改掉坏习惯
  96. 艾米·珀迪: 超越极限的生活
  97. 谁才是你最合适的结婚对象?
  98. 世界最丑女人:你有选择快乐的权利
  99. 为什么你的减肥之路总比别人困难?
  100. 我不是激励你们的人,谢谢
  101. 选择的困惑
  102. 过一种沉浸的人生
  103. 为何保持联系却仍旧孤单
  104. 如何掌控你的自由时间
  105. 学习双语的好处


前首相特蕾莎·梅(Theresa May)连续两日重回议会,向卫生大臣马修·汉考克(Matthew Hancock)、首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)



Theresa May (Maidenhead) (Con)

May I join the Secretary of State, and the shadow Secretary of State, in commending and paying tribute to all who work in our national health service, on whom we rely from day to day, but on whom we rely all the more under these conditions?

May I press the Secretary of State on two points that have been raised by others? The advice from the World Health Organisation was very clear: test, test, test. At an earlier stage the UK changed its testing requirements, and those who have symptoms and self-isolate are no longer tested. If the full information is to be available, surely the testing has to be very significantly increased. Who exactly is going to be tested?

One of the difficulties has been the way in which information has been presented. To pick up the point made by the SNP spokesman about the over-70s that was echoed elsewhere, the headlines are that over-70s, even now, are going to have to stay at home for 12 weeks. Can the Secretary of State be absolutely precise as to what the advice is for over-70s and those with other conditions, and what those conditions are?

Finally, on the question of seven or 14 days' self-isolation, my understanding was that if someone had symptoms and were on their own they should self-isolate for seven days, but if they were in a family the whole family should self-isolate for 14 days. Perhaps my right hon. Friend could confirm.

Matthew Hancock, Health Secretary

My right hon. Friend is precisely correct on the third question. The difference between the advice for seven days and 14 is precisely as follows. If you have symptoms yourself, if you live on your own you should self-isolate for seven days, but if you live in a household with others, the whole household now needs to stay at home for 14 days. The reason is that if you live in a household with someone who has coronavirus it is highly likely that you will catch it, so it is important, to protect against onward transmission, that everybody stays at home. That is the reason for the distinction between the seven days and the 14 days, and I hope that is clear—seven days for individuals, 14 for households.

On the point about the World Health Organisation saying that we should "test, test, test", I wholeheartedly agree. We have continued the increase in testing in this country throughout this outbreak. The point that was made last week was that as the increase in the number of cases continues, so our testing capability must increase faster, and at this stage we have to make sure that the use of the tests we have are prioritised. As we expand testing capability, we will expand the number of people who can get hold of those tests. I understand the frustrations of those who want a test, but the whole House will agree that we have to make sure that we use those tests on the people who need them most, which means saving lives in hospitals.

On the point about the over-70s, to reiterate the answer that I gave a moment ago, the advice to everybody is to avoid unnecessary social contact. For the over-70s, for their own protection, that is strongly advised. The shielding, which is essentially reducing all contact as much as possible, is for those who have underlying health conditions and will be contacted by the NHS. The precise details of all these will be published on the gov.uk website so that everybody can see not only the answers I am giving to the questions, but the precise wording of what we expect everybody to do, as I have set out in the statement.

Mr Speaker

Order order. I would like just to make a very short statement.

Those watching our proceedings will have noticed that our attendance today is significantly below the normal numbers. I have discussed with the usual channels ways in which we can limit the number of people crowded together to ensure maximum safety. We are all doing our best to keep Parliament sitting and to follow Public Health England guidance.

Theresa May (Maidenhead) (Con)

My right hon. Friend is rightly engrossed day to day in dealing with the developments of covid-19, but I would like to ask him to cast his mind a little further forward. The chief scientific adviser and the chief medical officer have been clear that the best solution to this is a vaccine, but the chief scientific adviser has said that that could be as much as a year away. He has also suggested that, until that vaccine is available, it may be difficult to ease restrictions successfully. Does my right hon. Friend agree with that analysis, and if so, what does a sensible exit strategy look like?

Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister

The objective of the Government and of our scientific advisers is to depress the peak of the epidemic, to ensure that we get through it, so that we come out on the other side, and that we do that as fast as possible. That is why we are taking all the measures that we have announced. That is why we have announced the package of business support that we have. I am not going to give a timescale on it, but that is the strategy, and I am absolutely certain that it will succeed.





